For a while now I've been dealing with a self image issue, but I've decided recently that I'm done complaining. I'm gonna step up and do something about it.
I'm not saying I'm ugly, nor am I calling myself fat, but the point is that I'm not happy in my body right now. My cellulite is annoying, my little pouch is frustrating me, my stretchmarks really make me feel disgusting and I'm ready to move on. I want to put this image in the past and take control. My body shouldn't take control of me, I'm in charge and that's the way it's going to be.
So here are the changes (but not all) that I am wanting to make;
1) Weight;
I honestly don't know how much I weigh or even my pant size for that matter. (at this moment). All I know is I have an annoying and fat pouch that I want gone. I plan to weigh myself on the 30th and measure my stomach.
My plans to lose the weight:
I have recently heard of the 3 day diet. Starting Monday, January 31st I am going to start it. My on days will be Mon-Wed.
I'm going to also do the 30 day shred. I'm going to try doing this on the on days, but due to the diet the low calorie intake may make it hard for me to do it because it may not be healthy. If my body gives me any sign that it's not a good idea, I will stop doing it on the 'on' days and only do it on the off days (Thurs-Sun).
On the off days I'm also going to be making sure I stay eating healthy by doing the Special K challenge. I'm not going to be really strict on those days, after all it is suppose to be my off days. I plan on following the challenge for breakfast and lunch, and then eat what the family is eating for dinner.
2) Cellulite;
I will be trying the Goodbye Cellulite Nivea Challenge.
Creams can be bought here.
3) Stretchmarks;
I will be applying Vitamin E Bio Oil 2 times a day.
As a reward, I will treat myself to a perm and a new bikini :)
Im going to begin the Nivea challenge on the 1st. You gotta let me know how the Bio Oil goes, cause Id like to try that as well.